Hound Sponsors Newsletter Spring 2020
Well, here we are, April already – after one of the wettest winters ever! Now we need the rain as the ground has suddenly gone from semi liquid to rock hard!
After a slow start due to a bout of kennel cough which stopped hunting for a month and despite the weather conditions, scent was good and the hounds hunted extremely well throughout.
Jamie was very pleased with the young entry this year especially as having the kennel cough early in the season for such a long period meant that he was unable to introduce small groups of young hounds with the rest of the pack each hunting day as he normally would, they ended up having to all go together with the older hounds when hunting started again but this did not seem to have any ill effects.
First season hound of note was Forrester (walked by Hazel Shepherd and sponsored by Jackie Doughton). He went out most days this season, picked the job up straight away and has therefore entered well. Some young hounds don’t take to it straight away and can become muddled if taken out too often in their first season. They all mature at different rates and some take longer than others for the penny to drop! Jamie is looking forward to next season to see how they all develop.
All the hounds worked very well this season, Jamie says it is hard to pick out any but if pushed - Stilton; walked by Gilly Wheeler (but incredibly does not have a sponsor, does anyone want to sponsor this successful hound?) and littermates Secret and Sequin have also been very consistent, again walked by Gilly and sponsored by Trish White and Martin Derby respectively.
Stilton by the way has had a liaison with Handful and hopefully puppies are expected in a month and a bit.
Dainty has puppies are on the ground by Wheatland Banker. She has had 5 bitches and 3 dogs. They are now over 8 weeks old and ready to go. The hunt has its faithful puppy walkers but new walkers are always welcome. It is a great experience and anyone taking puppies on will be well supported.
The flesh round is getting enough to feed the hounds although the good weather is ensuring the good health of livestock! It continues to be a good opportunity to speak to farmers although of course social distancing has to be upheld.
I hope we can all get back to normal soon.
Best wishes to all and see you at the hound sponsorship evening (whenever normal happens!)
Best wishes,