
Autumn Hunting The early part of hunting from August until the Opening Meet on or about the last Saturday in October.
Cap A daily charge for hunting.
"Car Please" Is shouted to tell the Field to keep to the left to let cars through on the road.
Couples Hounds are counted in couples. i.e. one hound, a couple, a couple and a half, two couples, etc. Couples are also two collars linked on a chain and can be seen hanging on the hunt staffs' saddles
Field The mounted followers.
"Gate Please" Shouted backwards on going through a gate which should be closed.
"Good Morning" The appropriate greeting at the meet.
"Good Night" The appropriate salutation for the end of the day even if it was an Autumn Hunting morning which ended before midday.
"Hold Hard" Shouted by the Field Master to stop the field.
Hound All scent hunting dogs are referred to as hounds
Hunt Staff The people responsible for working the hounds. i.e. Huntsman and Whippers-in. They may be Masters, amateurs or professionals
“Keep in Please” A signal given to members of the field when riders must keep in to the verge or off the crop.
"Kick on" You may get this response when you make way for someone at a gate or jump. It means you don't have to wait for him/her and should carry on. Or it may be just general encouragement
Line The scent left by the trail.
"Loose Horse" Shouted when someone has fallen off and the horse is running away.
"Master /Huntsman /
Whip /Hound please"
This means give way to these people as they have a job to do. If it is heard on a road or a track everyone should get to one side, not line both sides, to reduce the chances of them being kicked.
"Master /Huntsman /
Whip /Hound on the right /left"
This means the Master/Whip/Hound should be let through on the side shouted. The side corresponding to the direction of travel of the majority of the Field.
Opening Meet The start of formal hunting.
Rat Catcher Term used to describe the official dress for mounted followers during Autumn Hunting and consists of a Tweed jacket as opposed to a black jacket. Rat Catcher is also an acceptable form of dress after the Opening Meet, but it won’t keep out the cold and wet in the winter.
Scent The smell, indiscernible to the human nose, left by the runners. The hounds also use the smell of the disturbed ground where the runners have been to stay on the line.
Speak or speaking Hounds do not bark, they speak or are speaking when they are "on the line" (hunting a scent).
Stern A hound's tail.
"Ware Hole /Wire /Glass" Ware is often pronounced "War" and means beware. Therefore if you hear "War Hole", or "Ware Hole" it actually means mind out there is a hole in the ground coming up! Similarly any other hazard.


Green Ribbon Worn on the tail of a young horse – give it some space.
Hand behind the back Means this horse might kick if you crowd it.
Hand in the air by gateway Signal to people coming towards a gate, but out of hearing, that the gate should be shut. The response to which should be to hold your hand in the air to show you have got the message and will shut the gate.
Red Ribbon Worn on the tale of a known kicker. These horses should be kept at the back of the field until they become educated and no longer need to wear a ribbon.
Whip in the air (usually by Field Master) - This means stand still where you are, not wait until you get level with the Field Master and then stop.
Hat Ribbons Hunt Caps and most Riding hats have ribbons on the back, the ends of these ribbons hang down when they are bought. Only Masters, Hunt Officials and Hunt Staff should have their ribbon-ends hanging down, so members of the field should sow their ribbons up, or remove them. This is to help members of the field tell if they are following a Master, Hunt Official or Hunt Staff.